From Paulette Vickery's Recipe Collection



1/2 cup water
1 tablespoon borax
1/2 cup glue, 4 oz
1/2 cup water

Pour 1/2 cup cold water into a small bowl. Add 1 level tablespoon Borax. Mix with hand until Borax is disolved. Pour another 1/2 cup water into a separate small bowl. Pour 1 whole small bottle, or 4 ounces, of glue into water in second bowl. Using hand mix glue and water thoroughly. Pour Borax mixture into glue mixture. Using hand mix thoroughly until all ingredients are combined. Mixture will form into a solid mass in the bottom of the bowl. Placing hand on one side of bowl to prevent solid mixture from sliding out, pour off excess water. With hand, continue to knead mixture in bowl until it feels rather firm and springy to the touch, and does not stick to hands. Pour off any further excess water if necessary. Remove gloop from bowl and continue kneading. The more Gloop is handled, the more rubbery it becomes. To keep Gloop for a long period of time, store in a plastic bag or container, at room temperature. . Gloop will keep for about 8 weeks. Makes 3/4 cup.

Yield: 1 servings

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